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Stormy South

Hey everyone!

Some of you probably know that while being in Iceland I have definitely visited some places twice, a few even three times. You might think that is boring but believe me the weather not only changes so quickly in Iceland it can also be pretty different. One day it might be snowy and extremely windy, the other its sunny but way colder, then it rains but you get a beautiful sunset,… You see it never gets boring. And the same goes for visiting places. Its so different every time you go. Not only because of the weather but also because you go with different people and focus on different things.

So this post is another post about coming back.

I came back to the south of the island. This time in really stormy weather. But still beautiful and a cool day.

Reynisfjara 400x267 - Stormy South

Rock formations 267x400 - Stormy South

I drove all the way to the Reynifjara beach close to Vik. The two Irish guys and another friend of theirs came along this time. When we got out of the car we definitely had to hold on to our cloths (Con still managed to got his hat taken from the wind). We had to lean against the wind and walk carefully to make it there without being blown over.

Black Beach  400x267 - Stormy South

Contrast Black Beach 400x267 - Stormy South

Because of the snow on top of the small black pebbles the contrast seemed even more extrem. After our small adventure in the wind we were happy to get back to the car and drove to Skogafoss. It was still really windy and even started snowing. That just made it look soo different compared to the sunny day with a beautiful sunset.

Snowy Skogafoss 267x400 - Stormy South

Skoga from above 267x400 - Stormy South

We walked all the stairs up to the top to experience the view from up there. I actually counted the steps but didn’t write it down so I sadly forgot. We also managed to make use of the tripod (I’m only slowly getting the hang of using it regularly) and took a group picture together in front of the massive waterfall.

Skogafoss in the Snow 400x267 - Stormy South

From there we drove a bit further towards Reykjavik to the Seljalandsfoss. It was a first because we had to skip it on our last trip due to the lack of time. It is another pretty cool waterfall where you can, if the weather is not to bad, can walk all the way behind.

Seljalandsfoss 267x400 - Stormy South

Icy Stairway 400x267 - Stormy South

Sadly the weather was ‘too bad’ to do just that though. You can probably imagine that it was already hard enough to walk up those stairs and the rest of the way was even worse. The following picture is not that interesting but you can see the place where the way is supposed to be and understand why we did not want to try our luck.

Closed way behind the Waterfall 400x267 - Stormy South

The other side 400x267 - Stormy South

Icy Seljalandsfoss 267x400 - Stormy South

I had heard of this hot river only half an hour away from Reykjavik and after this windy and snowy day we were all up for some relaxed time in the hot spring. The only thing we hadn’t realised that to get to the river you would first have to hike into the mountains for roughly an hour.

Reykjadalur 400x267 - Stormy South

River in the Mountains 400x267 - Stormy South

At some point we realised that we probably won’t be able to make it to the river, enjoy some time there and then walk back all the way before the sun would set. We did not really want to walk back in the dark because some parts of the way were pretty slippery and one of the guys was only wearing Nikes which made it extra hard. So we just enjoyed the nature and the fact that we actually got to move around a bit.

Perspective  400x267 - Stormy South

You can see in the picture that the moon came out already and we were happy we didn’t stay in those mountains for too long and got back to Reykjavik to relax a bit. First we wanted to head out for another search of northern lights but because the forecast was so bad and it was also extremely cloudy I just stayed at the hostel.

That was it about me and another cool day trip around Iceland. I love to hear some feedback from you guys. No matter if good or bad, please let me know so I know what to work on!!

Lena xx

2 thoughts on “Stormy South

  1. Hey Lena! das sind ganz tolle Bilder. ich freue mich immer wieder zu sehen , was es Neues gibt und es macht Spaß dich auf deiner Reise zu begleiten ich wünsche dir noch ganz viel Spaß! Lg Paula

    1. Hallo Paula! Vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung, es freut mich sehr, dass du gerne meine Blogs liest 🙂

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