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Hey everyone!

This is my first blogpost about my time here in Iceland and the journey started in the beautiful capital Reykjavik. From the airport Keflavik I took a bus into Reykjavik city and already fell in love with the city. The sunset just looked amazing and then the snow and everything.


From the bus station I then walked round about 1,5km to the hostel. And I must say it was really icy!! I had to be really careful, but finally I made it.

Entrance Hostel

I admit when I saw this door I was wondering what kind of place I booked, but when I walked in I was positively surprised. It was a really nice hostel with a little bar in the first floor (I never went there though since a beer was like 10€ and I did not have that money). The hostel then had two floors of rooms and each floor was equipped with a kitchen and showers and toilets.

Hostel Kex

Hostel Kex

I was happy I finally made it after 36 hours of only snoozing on the plane and bus, but then my worst nightmares came true. I could not find my passport holder with my reservation, my credit card and all the other important documents. I checked everywhere but could not find it. I talked to the people from the bus quite a few times on the phone, walked back the same way I came but it was gone. I was a mess, but the people at the hostel where so nice to let me stay anyways. So I spent the next days organizing everything, walking to the Embassy, having to file a report at the police etc. All in all not the start I imagined at all. But I got through it. Big thanks to my mum for helping me with everything!! <3

It takes you a while to adapt to the Icelandic weather. Not just because its colder than in Germany but also because the sun does not rise till 11 o’clock. This picture was taken at 10.15 am and you see how dark it still is. Can you imagine how hard it is in the beginning to get up in the dark.


You also have really long evenings since the sun officially sets at 4.15pm. Nonetheless I got to explore Reykjavik quite a bit and it helped me fall in love with the country.


Viking Boat

Not only do you have the view to these incredible mountains (I could not get enough, I think I took like 100 pictures), but also some really cute cafés, restaurants and shops. Although it is the biggest city in Iceland there is still a certain charm about it. I mean look at those houses and shops. Aren’t they the cutest?!

Cute Houses


Cute shop

Islandic Houses

Cool House

They also have some pretty cool architecture just like the Harpa. The Harpa is a concert hall and a conference center and it just looks amazing. If you think it looks pretty cool from the outside wait until you’ve seen pictures from the inside. Its awesome!!


Harpa inside             Harpa inside

In the third evening we then did a pretty spontaneous trip with some of my room mates to see the northern lights. It was a pretty cool trip since we all got along really well. Sadly there were some pretty annoying clouds so we couldn’t really see the Aurora with our bare eyes but at least the cameras got some of it. I can’t wait to see them with my own eyes!!

Northern Lights

To finish off here are some cool pictures from one sunset at the Sun Voyager. A sculpture of an old Viking ship that greets the sunlight.

Sunset                      Viking Boat

And because I know that I don’t have any pictures of myself in this post and so you see I can smile again, here is a selfie! See mum, I’m eating 😉

Happy Me

On Saturday I then went on a trip around the golden circle. So you can read about the Gullfoss and the Geysirs in my next post!!

I hope everybody is alright back home.

Lena xx

1 thought on “Reykjavik

  1. Yeah, Endlich egeschfft hier mal vorbeizuschauen. Freu mich auf weitere tolle Berichte

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