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First day of wearing Jeans

Hey Guys!

So since I got here I have been really happy that my mum convinced me to get those trekking pants (thanks mum!!) because they just kept me really warm and dry. But I got to the point were I got sick of always wearing the same thing all the time and I needed a change. So this has been the first day of wearing jeans. Not just jeans but with warm functional underwear underneath. But don’t worry this post not going to be about clothes but its going to be about the day of lots of firsts.

The first day of starting off with -10 degrees, the first day of renting out a car by myself, the first day of driving through Iceland, the first day of driving on a closed road,…

You see lots of firsts!

Our small Polo 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

So that day started off with me walking to the car rental place, organising everything there and then picking up the people that would join me that day. It was a Ukrainian couple and a girl from Romania. Our plan was to check out the Snaefellsnes peninsula and on the way there we wanted to stop at Hraunfossar and Barnafoss.

Small Waterfall 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Sunrise 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Of course we stopped at some small waterfalls on the way again. And we saw a beautiful sunrise around 12pm again, which still feels so weird. And then there was one of the firsts going on… we checked the road conditions (on quite late and didn’t figure out that on our way we’d have a closed road so we just kept driving. At some point there was lots of snow on the road and those patches were starting to be there more often. So at some point I got Kitti (the Romanian girl) to check again and she realised we were actually driving on a closed road. Neither of us four had seen a sign and we managed to get out of there safely but it was definitely an experience!!

Hraunfossar 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

River 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Bridge 225x400 - First day of wearing Jeans

We stopped at the Hraunfossar waterfall and went for a short stroll. The Hraunfossar was so different to the other waterfalls I had seen again. It was more like small waterfalls close to each other but it still had something really fascinating to it. Just up the river you’d find the Barnafoss.


Barnafoss 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Barnafoss 2 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

From there on we started driving up north and stopped for some horse petting again! Compared to the last stop those horses where definitely used to being feed by people and always tried to eat your jacket.

More Icelandic Horses 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Little Poser 267x400 - First day of wearing Jeans

More Posers 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

We then drove all the way to the Ytri Tunga Beach and walked down to the beach. It was already around 4pm so we got to experience a stunning sunset over the ocean. Also it was really weird seeing the snow meet the sand.

Sunset at the Beach 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Beach  400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Seals at the Beach 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans


Walking along the coast we got quite close to the seals down at the beach which was pretty cool!! The others got too close to them (what I found) they even scared one into the water so it felt good leaving too.


Hey You 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Cute Houses in the Countryside 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Seal 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

After that we didn’t have too much time left to explore the national park in the west so we just drove to the Kirkjufell mountain again.

Kirkjufell at a different light 267x400 - First day of wearing Jeans

I had a short rest before driving all the way back to Reykjavik. We checked out another hot spring but it got crazy windy and in the dark it was too hard to find so we didn’t go. It was a bit of a shitty ending because we got back really late and then the Ukrainians acted up with the money. They didn’t want to pay the fee for the ATM which was around 1€ and it was just really annoying.

But I still really enjoyed the trip. Oh and before I forget… here is the only picture I actually have of me wearing jeans.

Jeans 400x267 - First day of wearing Jeans

Lena xx


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