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Cape Town

A different world within the same country

Hey everyone!

I know its been a while and I truly apologize but life just got super busy. My computer broke down while I was in Rarotonga and it took a few months to finally get it fixed. By the time that was finally done I was already back home working full time in a café saving up for the future. I finally managed to find a flat in Kiel and then moved quite sudden and shortly before I started my internship there. Thats what I’m doing now. I work for 9,5 months in the children’s hospital and I am really enjoying my time there! Well at least thats what I should be doing… for the past six weeks I’ve been struggling with a really bad migraine. No meds are helping, I can barely concentrate and it pretty much tied me to my bed for most of the time.

So I’m really sorry that I haven’t kept you updated but I will certainly try to do my best to post about the rest of my adventures in the next weeks and months. It won’t be as often but I hope you still enjoy it.

Rain Joburg - Cape Town

After I had to say goodbye to all those amazing people I got to meet at Daktari I actually had a couple of days in Johannesburg. But I was not really feeling well and as you guys might know I’m not the biggest fan of the city so I decided to stay at the hostel most of the time. Also look at that rain… I did go for a few walks but didn’t take many photos.

So when I got to Cape Town two days later and totally fell in love with the city. I felt so much safer. And there was just so much to explore there. Fun little story tho… when I got the bus from the airport I couldn’t figure out there system to get the busses to stop so I got off like two stops later and had to walk all the way back. And I still haven’t figured out how the system works but didn’t end up taking the bus a lot so it was okay.

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I stayed in a hostel in the area called the green point. After I settled in I grabbed my camera and for a little stroll around the area. It didn’t take me long to find this beautiful, quiet, green area called Green Point Park. It was nice that even though it was located pretty central you still were still being surrounded by nature. I enjoyed my time there a lot. Took a few photos, wandered around, followed along some tracks with little signs telling you interesting facts about the nature and just soaked in the good weather.

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I walked all the way to the other side of the park and ended up being right at the sea. You could already see the cute little lighthouse when you were still standing in the park and it only took a few more minutes I could breath the salty air again. It had been just over a month since I had last seen the see and I missed it. You can definitely tell I come from the north of Germany and have spend a lot of time at the North Sea with my grandma.

So I just took my time to enjoy it there. I walked along the waterside until I could the see harbor in a distance and then turned around to sort out some dinner. I decided to go to the center and check out the harbor the next day.

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So the next day I followed the coast line all the way to the Victoria Wharf Shopping Center. I didn’t spend much time inside just had a look at all the small little shops and then left the building on the other side. I ended up being right in the middle of the harbor. It was such a fun and relaxed atmosphere. I loved listening to the African music, looked at wonderful handmade crafts and just sat down to watch the people enjoy their lives.

African Music 2 - Cape Town
The quality of the video is shit but I wanted you to be able to feel some of the atmosphere.
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I was stunned by the beautiful architecture and loved the fact how close nature was. Even when standing near the waterside I could still admire the beautiful Table Mountain in the back. I decided that it would be cool to hike up there in the following days. Preferably at sunset. So stay tuned for one of the next posts!

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In the afternoon I caught the bus back to my hostel. I really enjoyed it there. I especially loved how much effort they showed when it comes to the water restrictions. At first it was strange to not be allowed to drink the tap water, have a long shower or not flush every time you go to the toilet. Only 50 litres per person. But it was easy to get used to it. The hostel did a great job informing everyone about the issue and even putting buckets in the shower to collect water that could later be used for watering plants etc. Thanks to the restrictions they managed to fill up the water tanks of the city a little so that they could lower the restrictions from level 5 to level 3 in December 2018. Everyone now gets 105 litres per day.

I did a little research and found a cool beach that I wanted to check out. It was about an hour long walk so I decided to not take the bus or a taxi and just walk there. I loved having the freedom. I saw lots of people running, walked along the coast line for quite some time and then finally arrived at Clifton Bay. But before I could enjoy the beach I had to find a way down there. It took me a while and I kind of felt like breaking into someones home but I finally found the right way and made it just in time for sunset.

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I stayed until it was dark and then called an uber to get back to the hostel. I thought I had done enough walking for one day and could not find the motivation to walk all the way back.

It had only been one full day and a few hours that I spend in the city but I had already fallen in love. I simply enjoyed the vibe, the countless options and the beauty that you could find pretty much everywhere. It was so different to the life in the game reserve or even in the villages. And as different as they might be I loved both experiences!!

Stay tuned for a fun little road trip around the Cape Peninsula with lots of cute little black and white friends in my next post!!

That being said, I hope you guys enjoyed reliving my adventures as much as I did. I wish you all a happy new year full of health, wonderful experiences, happy moments and most importantly people on your journey that you love.

Lena xx

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