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Birthday Trip

Hey guys,

As you probably know now, I spent my birthday in Iceland this year. At first I wasn’t really looking forward to it because I didn’t have anyone to spend my time with, but it ended up not being as bad as I thought. It was actually quite a nice day.

So the day before my birthday I still had no idea what I was going to do. I then met Antonio in the common area of the hostel while I was editing some pictures and preparing a post for you. We started talking and I found that he was into photography as well. He told me that he was going on a trip with a local, who was a hobby photographer as well and asked me if I wanted to join. We  had to leave by 7.30 but I think that was worth it.

Hjalparfoss  400x267 - Birthday Trip

Riverbed 400x267 - Birthday Trip

We didn’t know where we were going so it was a total surprise trip. Also there was another German boy joining us that we did not know about. After quite bit of driving towards the south we stopped at the first waterfall. The Hjalparfoss. It was a nice place and we were able to walk down to the water but also up the rocks to get a few different perspectives.

Another cool Waterfall 400x267 - Birthday Trip

Wandering around 267x400 - Birthday Trip

Perspective 400x267 - Birthday Trip

After we spend maybe half an hour there, Sveinn (the local) asked the couple that pulled up to the parking spot if they wanted to join us for another cool area. We weren’t sure of the weather conditions so it would be safer to go with another car that could pull us out or the other way around. It took a while but we eventually made it there!

Interesting River 400x267 - Birthday Trip

In the snow 267x400 - Birthday Trip

It was a really interesting place, because we got the chance to walk around quite it bit. We saw a lot of different things. More Waterfalls, rivers flowing down, caves, snowy pathways etc. Also we had really typical Icelandic weather. It changed every few minutes. So we had blue skies, snow, nice sunlight, clouds, …

Snowy Path 267x400 - Birthday Trip

And another waterfall 1 400x267 - Birthday Trip

New Perspective 267x400 - Birthday Trip

We tried to get to another waterfall but the road was too bad and it was already to late to walk all the way so we went to another location. It was another really different waterfall. We spend a little time there and started driving back. Before actually getting to Reykjavik we had another really quick stop with a cool view. The only thing that was a bit disappointing is that it was already really dark and it started snowing again too, so we could not see too much.

Last Photostop in the Snow 400x267 - Birthday Trip

Photographers in the Snow 400x267 - Birthday Trip

After getting back, I got myself a pizza for dinner and then sat in the bar area with a few people. We had some nice chats, ate some carrot cake I bought, drank a Sumersby and opened a few small presents. It was a really nice end to the day!!

Lena xx

3 thoughts on “Birthday Trip

  1. Happy birthday ( little late) 😉

  2. Hallo Zaubermaus…ich hoffe,es geht dir in der Sonne so richtig gut? Deine Blogs sind suuupi und erst die tollen Fotos… PIGADA…du weißt WHDGDL fein Omchen & Dietchen 🤣💚🤣

    1. Hallo Oma! Ja mir geht es super 🙂 Vielen Dank!! Ich euch auch :*

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