About Me

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Hey there!

My name is Lena and I’m a 19 year-old girl who grew up in the very north of Germany. I have finished high school in July 2017 and have worked all year since then so that I can afford my travels in 2018.  I love to travel, get to know new cultures and see other parts of the beautiful world. That combined with my passion for photography made me decide that I wanted to use the freedom that I have and travel the world.

I set my time frame to roughly half a year. Of course I can’t see everything in the world in that short amount of time but I decided to at least try and see a bit. My journey is divided into five big parts:

The cold European Winter which consists of a month travelling through Iceland and another week in Copenhagen with my wonderful boyfriend.

South Africa where I am doing a four-week internship in an animal sanctuary and some exploring around the country afterwards.

South East Asia this part of the journey is not really planned out. So if anybody as any recommendations where to go and what to see in one month feel free to let me know!

Oceania Revisiting my second home and maybe some relaxing time on one of the islands of Polynesia.

European Summer some more weeks of exploring the beauty of Europe. But this time a city break in summer!

When I thought about writing a blog again I decided that I would write in English so my friends from New Zealand and other parts of the world could read it as well. Since I don’t want my grandma and others, who don’t feel that comfortable in english, to miss out I decided to do both. The first 20 posts that I published while still being on the road have been translated by Haroon. He offered to translate for me so I’d have more time for exploring new places. Now that I am back home I’m doing everything myself.

I hope you enjoy the world from my perspective and feel inspired to go out and travel the world yourself.

Lena xx